
Sep 3, 2013

DIY Inspiration - All the Cross Thing

DIY Inspiration - All the Cross Thing

DIY Inspiration - All the Cross Thing by jessybllu featuring Wendy Nichol

I must be the only person left that still does't have a Shirt with a big cross on it. So, I decided I must do something about this monstrous oversight and took action. Or simply put - got my inspiration and I'm ready to DIY the sh** out of something! 

Sep 2, 2013

Winter on my minD

DIY - Neon Studded Sandals

I had this pair of fairly old neon sandals that I got at a buy-one-get-one-free sale a couple of years ago and considering they were just lying around in my closet I decided to DIY them. So, I gathered some supplies and started. It's fairly simple, all I used was a bunch of sеw-on studs and yellow thread. They turned out so cute can't wait to wear them.

the supplies:

the result: